Friday, 8 May 2020

The Importance Of "False Flag Attack" Throughout Entire Cabal History

For long we have been the Victims of the "False Flag Attack" since WWI.

Today I'll explain The History and The Ideology and Goals behind The "False Flag Attack".

Reason: Unequal Trading causes great tension over the world. Planned Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria is an excuse for the War.

Goals: To transferring global social pressures caused by unequal economic and trade distribution, and redistribute wealth and power of different factions Of Cabal, The Rothschild family vs the Rockefeller family, It's truly a war between the Cabal Factions with all innocent people as a sacrifice.

After WWI, The US Cabal faction Grows Stronger while they investing in Europe (especially Germany) and all over the world, Germany grows strong, then there is Hitler a monster with great Ambition. History is incredibly similar, Same as what happening now, Communist China, another disaster for Entire Humanity. That's how Cabal funded Germany. The same way they Funded Communist China today.

WWII is different, as there is Nazism, its goal is to destroy democracy and rule the world with all power it has as like communist country, the Evil leader has all its power to use a whole country as a weapon like use the military force. But Cabal is different, it's a Crime Organisation that hiding within a democratic system of a country, they don't have the power to use the military like what the Nazis and the communist country does. (But things changed after 1947 Roswell UFO Crash, The Cabal starting to develop their own Technology and founded Military Industrial Complex under private Corporation with the help of CIA as CIA is Cabal controlled, so the government can't put their hands on it as they are private companies.)

So there is a problem for the Cabal, if the Nazis or Communist grows too strong as they use a whole country as a weapon, they will take over the whole world and thus take over the Cabal too. So they have to keep them in a controlled manner, but Obviously, Hitler is a monster, he wants to take over the whole world, so the Nazis Germany has to be defeated. And now they learned the lesson, that's how they made Communist China the way it is now, to use it as an ally in an under controlled manner, to deal with United State's Government. As Hitler was an accident, Cabal started to fund Communist China after Richard Nixon's 1972 visit to China as China opens up.

To take over the US Government and Constitution thus the whole world, is always their end goal for The "New World Order", as US democracy falls, the whole world follows. God Made USA the Strongest democratic country with the best military in the world for a reason, it is to keep God's Plan and Destroy the Global Cabal at the end, for us to start a New Era.

9/11, Iraq War, Afghanistan War:
Remember that all dictated countries will have Cabal's connections to it, they want to have an Alliance with countries like China, Iran, Iraq, Noth Korea, and Russia, so they can hold together against the US Government in an international effort. Even previous US administrations were controlled by Cabal, they make that Alliance just to make sure even if a future President like Trump can not break that balance, now you can see how difficult for Trump when he facing the UN, The (W*H*O), those International organizations were all controlled by the Cabal Alliance.

During The Vietnam War, The UN has always been an informer for the Cabal, they leak US Military Force Operation plans to the Cabal, thus to all the enemies, and we lost lots and lots of US soldiers by that, until later on the US government realize there were spies in the UN. Think about Who owns the UN right now? China and Russia. And China put their hands on UK, Germany, France, Italy, etc. Think about HUAWEI 5G.

After 9/11, There is China Rising. Cabal needs a strong Communist China to deal with the US Government. Remember, before 9/11, George W. Bush was very tough on China in policies, and then 9/11 happened.

Mass shooting in the US:
The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution is for the prevention of Cabal takeover for future generations, because The Founding Fathers knew there were infiltration in the government.
Cabal wants to take away our rights to arm ourselves, so they planed countless Mass Shootings, many of the cases, people can't even find an answer to why those shooters did that, and those shooters were always dead, so no clue or anything.

2018 Hawaii "False" Missile Alert:
According to the Secret Space Program whistleblower Corey Goode, The 2018 Hawaii Missile Alert is real and not a "False Alert", it's another "False Flag Attack" planed by the Cabal, as that kind of "False Alert Mistake" is impossible to happen if people know how the Alert system works.

According to Corey Goode, On 13 Jan 2018, there is a Cabal controlled Submarine launched a Nuclear Missile near the West coast of North Korea, and the target is aimed at Hawaii. But it was been shot down in the middle of the air before it reached Hawaii by Secret Space Program Alliance Craft. The Secret Space Program Alliance had intel in advance, so a disaster was prevented. 

The Goal for this attack is to drag the US into war with North Korea, draw the attention of the Trade War away between the US and China. It's another 9/11 like an attack. Cabal doesn't want the Chinese Communist Party to collapse, as their crimes will be revealed. The same reason Iran planned attacks on the US military base in December 2019 trying to drag the US into a war with Iran, so communist China will survive, but that plan was failed.

2020 Pandemic:
The same kind of evil plan the Cabal Alliance used to stop the Trade War to save Communist China, as Trump signed the first trade deal, the timing is so obvious.

Just recently, Trump announced his administration has the evidence of the origin of the virus, he will soon release it to the public. It looks like their plan has failed again.

Future "False Flag Attack" Plan:
In the future, there will be Full Disclosure as SSP Alliance planed, to reveal all the Human history and all crimes Cabal has committed and release Advanced Technology to the Public, and also reveal the existence of Benevolent ETs. 

To prevent us from been contact with those Benevolent ETs, Cabal planed the so-called "Fake Alien Invasion" to use their own advanced craft attack the Earth before Benevolent ETs contacts occur, then they will tell us that all ETs are Malevolent and we will have another war with the fake ETs, thus cut off our contact between those Benevolent ETs, thus continue to keep us as slaves on Earth.

Important Info:
The "Project blue beam" is another False info by the Cabal, Project blue beam is a lie, it's a false info to counter SSP Alliance full disclosure.

"False Flag Attack" is a very important Ideology of the Cabal and Communism, it's been used so many times throughout history, and it works so well that we never even realized.

But God knew all of these, all Evils will be revealed, and Nothing can stop what's coming! #WWG1WGA #TrustThePlan #GodWins

Thursday, 7 May 2020

For people who seek the truth and want to defeat the devil, Who is The Real Enemy?

There is so much Cabal controlled false info or conspiracies out there, that people may get lost with. But there is a very simple way to Identify:

Our enemy: Communism, Global Cabal (Any individuals or group who doing things below or even help in any shape or form)
Their Goals and Ideology: 

Defeat Freedom


Controls Media

Controls people like money slaves

Support Communism (Communism is the Birth Place of all Evils)

murdering people for covering the truth

Block advanced technology

Controls and overload our Medical systems by making drugs, vaccine, Virus, or anything that make us sick.

They artificially created Global Wars and famine, Kills hundreds of millions of people. (They don't care how many people die, as long as they are in control of this world, Human lives are meaningless to them.).

They are Founders and Operators of Global Human Trafficking of Women and Children for Sex Abuse and even Human organ harvesting or flesh and blood consumption for those Evil rituals or to their lifespan extension (Those Mother Fu*kers).

Steal our Wealth by control and crash the markets or in many other ways

They are founders and supporters of Organised Corrupted religious Control. Think about what CCP(Chinese Communist Party) is doing To Christian and all religions, they delete or even change contents from Religions Texts, controls many religious Leaders or Officials, like what The Rome Empire did to Religions. They also love to see all the different Religions fight each other which serves in their interests. The more conflict this world is the better serves them, so those people fighting will have no idea who their true enemy is.

They Assassing President Kennedy, Reagan, Truman Who Trying to uncover their crimes.

They are founders of All Terrorist Groups that made all the False Flag Attack: 9/11, Mass Shooting, etc. 

They hijack and corrupt politicians

We as people who fight for the Truth,
Allies who on our side: 

Trump Administration, Qanon, Full Disclosure, Patriots, Media who supports Trump. (Anyone will be Allies, as long as we have the same Goals!)

Our Goals: 

Eliminate Communism

Mass arrests Of the Global Cabal 

Full Disclosure

Release Advanced Technology so that people don't have to live in poverty, life will be much better (includes Medical technology that saves lives, people don't have to die!)

No More Slaves in any shape or form.

Finally, The Great Awakening, The Ascension, Entering The New Era, Become a Truly Galactic Civilisation.


Anyone Who Against our Goals or Helping the other side in any shape or form is The Enemy of The Entire Humanity! 

Friday, 1 May 2020

For Those Who Seeking For the Whole Truth

(The Great Awakening Map, for HD jpeg download:
This Map Is Way Too Important, Contains A Lot Of Infos)

To those of you who believe we are alone in the Universe as “Christians”, many say the Religion will collapse when ETs been proven to exist. All I want to say is when that day comes, please don’t give up your faith on God and Jesus, ETs are not God, they are also part of the Creation, same as Humans on Earth and the entire Universe. God is real, Jesus is real, the Bible is real, but that doesn’t necessarily endorse your definition of what they are. When the day comes, you may reconsider the concept of so-called “religions”. So please don’t be in shock or lose your faith, it’s just a rediscovery of God and Jesus.

Those who riding spaceships, the 95% Benevolent ETs among all ETs, they are not God, they are species from different planets and dimensions. They also know that God and Jesus are real for a fact. The Benevolent ETs are Guardians and Supervisors, you can call them Angels if you will, they are the mission keepers for God’s plan because of their highly developed consciousness granted them the ability of vision to see the Creator’s Creation that how this Universe works (many refers to as Astral Projection), and what is going to happen in the future (in fact, everything has already happen, there are no time or space limitations, to understand this you need to understand how quantum physics works), what God’s plan is, what they need to accomplish, They also know one Law among many Laws of the Creator that is, if they don’t do what the Creator want them to do they will also be removed by the Creator, as highly developed consciousness, this is not an issue for them. They are 6th density or above beings, they even developed abilities to shift between realities, across space and time just by their mind without transportation.

5% malevolent ETs among all ETs, they are 4th density beings. They also developed powerful Psychic abilities, but they are not as highly conscious as the 6 density beings, they’ve been influenced by negative energy(Demonic Energy), their intentions and goals are also different. You can call them the fallen Angels if you will. Among these are Draco Reptilians, some types of Greys(in fact many Greys are Bio-androids), some types of Insectoids, etc. But that doesn’t mean all 4th density beings are evil, there are many good 4th density beings out there also helping Humanity. To be light or to be evil, is a free will that The Creator will never take away from anyone, this is also one of the Law among many Laws. We are 3rd Density beings, and we are crossing into 4th density, and this is our moment of truth, this is the time for the great awakening, for us to unite together to defeat the negative energy and uncover the truth of what we are, where we came from and how the Universe works.

Meanwhile, many people are fighting each other for differences in Religions while no idea who our enemies are, but here are some simple Laws and definitions to identify:

Law 1: Free will should not be deprived.

Think of Adam and Eve, God told them there are things they shouldn’t do, but God didn’t take away their free will to eat the apple from the tree, they just have to take their own risks.

Law 2: The idea and intention that “Anyone who thinks he deserves everything while others should be slaves” is against the intention of The Creation.

God created all beings equal in the way that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness, and no one should rule over anyone, no one should be ruled by anyone.

What the Negative beings doing is they need the negative energy to feed themselves and they also clearly know those two Laws, so in order to accomplish their goals they have to do things according to those Laws, or they will not exist for long and been punished by the Laws, but sooner or later the Laws will always apply to them, it’s just a matter of time, the stronger they against the Laws, the sooner and heavier the Punish will be.

So, what they figured out is, in order to accomplish what they need with a minimum cost, the best way to do that is through proxies on Earth with misinformation as tools to keep Humans on Earth in a controlled manner, use misinformation to let people fight and doing evil things, so they can harvest the negative energy. In fact, During all the wars in human history, there will always be Malevolent ET’s crafts hovering over the battlefield cloaked and harvest negative energy. Think about the Secret Cult, Child Trauma, and sex abuse, Spirit Cooking, Human or animal sacrifice ritual, Blood Drinking, all kinds of Cabal styles of Activity.

Who are the proxies on Earth? Anyone or any group that doing things we just listed above. Think about the Cabal, think about the Communism, think about the fake media, think about The wall street, think about those Global Financial Giants and individuals or groups that use religions as the power of controls. Religions are not meant to be used for controls, it’s meant to be teaching to save and free people from controls and sufferings as those two Laws we just talked about. Just to be sure and not to be confused, I’m not saying religions doing the controls, but those individuals or groups with bad intentions. Think about ISIS, think about corrupted religious leaders or officials.

But, no matter what they do, there will always be a threshold point that is leading to self-destruction of a world like that, that’s the reality we are facing now. But to those on the top of the food chains, let’s say the Draco Reptilians. After the Earth is destroyed they will just move to the next planet, or maybe they even doing this kind of thing to many planets Simultaneously. But if we defeat the Cabal, and people are all awakened, the positive energy will be enormous, there will be no more negative energy for them to harvest, they will just leave out planet. If more and more planets like what we have gone through and awakened, there will be more and more advanced civilizations will be born, this is how the Galactic Federation is formed and grows. This kind of event has already happened countless times throughout the Universe, whether they’ve been saved or destroyed.

So, who are the enemies for the entire humanity and the entire universe from bottom to the top?

Think for yourself.

Saturday, 18 April 2020

Earth Alliance, SSP Alliance And Q History

The Alliance has existed since 80's (~more or less~). They wanted to do something against the negatives, but they were a total mess.

• 2014 - The Spheres, Blue Avians and Goldens arrived in 2014. They helped the Alliance to organize their mess and provided real possibility of action against the negatives.

All through Corey Goode.

• 2015 - Corey was already talking about the Earth Alliance and giving us updates from the SSP Alliance.

• 2016 - Earth Alliance abducted Corey and interrogated him. Corey proved everything for them and they started believing him.

Corey connected the Earth Alliance with the SSP Alliance. This way, Corey was a excelent turning point for the Earth Alliance.

• 2017 - The Earth Alliance [Q-Anon] started posting its own updates, on October.

A lot... a lot of people and most of the Q followers doesn't even know that.


Tuesday, 14 April 2020

Secret Space Programs Battle over Antarctic Skies During Global Elite Exodus

On June 15, I received an informal “briefing” by secret space program whistleblower, Corey Goode, about recent events that include an aerial battle over Antarctica involving various syndicate groups (Cabal/Illuminati) that had over the last six months fled there, and also the current status of negotiations involving different extraterrestrial and “Inner Earth” civilizations over “open contact” with humanity.
What follows will appear fantastic to those new to Goode’s revelations, which he has been releasing over the last 18 months. A detailed resource page has been created listing most of Goode’s interviews, reports, videos, along with articles about him.
My own detailed investigation of Goode was released in the book, Insiders Reveal Secret Space Programs and Extraterrestrial Alliances (Sept 2015). My conclusion was that Goode is genuine, and so I consider his June 15 ‘briefing” to be a very significant disclosure of recent events involving secret space programs that have transpired over the last few months.
Goode released a short update of recent events in bullet point form on May 14. In his June 15 briefing with me, he gave more details about this update, answered questions about what had occurred, and provided artist depictions of some of the events he was describing.
The May 14 update by Goode described an exodus of elite groups to South America and Antarctica:
Reports came in for approximately 6 months that high level syndicate groups were moving huge amounts of personal items and supplies to South American underground bases most noted in Brazil. More recent reports stated actual family members and high ranking syndicate members were pouring into these underground bases like ants before a storm.
Goode elaborated in his June 15 briefing that what the syndicate groups (global elites/Cabal/Illuminati) feared was huge solar storms predicted to hit the Earth. The so-called “solar killshot” long predicted by the remote viewer, Ed Dames, was imminent according to him in an interview on March 21, 2016.
The syndicate groups could not easily leave the Earth for refuge on off-planet locations due to a recent lockdown on airspace on and around Earth by what Goode describes as the “lower level SSP” comprising the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), USAF Space Command, etc. The latter had deployed technology establishing an “Earth Defense Grid” coordinated from an “air (and space) traffic control” established on the Moon (Lunar Operations Command – LOC).
He said the LOC is currently controlled by the Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate which is coordinating with the lower level SSP’s. The latter were instructed not to clear SSP Alliance flights into Earth’s air space.
The syndicate groups chose to flee instead to Antarctica/South America where underground locations provided some safety. The following graphic illustrates one of the six industrial areas under the Antarctic ice near the Ross Sea with parked spacecraft.The fumes coming out of the ground is from abundant thermal energy used as a power source.
Antarctica Under the Ice Final - 72px
Coincidently, President Obama visited Bariloche, Argentina on March 24, which had become the unofficial headquarters of the “Fourth Reich” when Adolf Hitler fled there after World War II. The Nazi U-boat historian, Harry Cooper, found credible sources establishing Bariloche as Hitler’s refuge in his book, Hitler in Argentina.
In February 1960, President Eisenhower traveled to Bariloche where he negotiated the Joint Declaration of Bariloche with the Argentinian President concerning Peace and Freedom in the Americas. The real topic of negotiations, however, allegedly concerned deals which would further put the U.S. Military Industrial Complex firmly under the control of the Fourth Reich.
This alliance led to the emergence of the Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate (ICC), one of the secret space programs revealed by Goode, which was now in charge of the Nazi bases in Antarctica. Therefore it is more than likely that President Obama’s visit to Bariloche, was to finalize new deals with the ICC/Nazis, which would facilitate their desire to move large number of people and cargo to safe locations in South America and Antarctica.
Goode’s May 14 update went on to describe huge submarines used to transport people and cargo to Antarctica as revealed to him by a “Lt. Col. Gonzales,” who has worked closely with Goode over the last year in secret negotiations and meetings involving different space programs and extraterrestrial alliances:
Gonzales later confirmed that these people and supplies were in many cases being transported to Antarctica via “Black Submarines” that were “EM Driven” and the “size of container ships”. The water filled subterranean rift systems are so incredibly enormous that they have no trouble on their journey. Furthermore, the reports stated that the rift caverns had been modified into massive arched tunnels in ancient times.
Goode supplied various artist depictions of one of the doorways into the vast water filled tunnel systems throughout South America and Antarctica used by the elites that extend all the way from Mexico, through South America, and down into Antarctica.
Ice Archway Final low res
He said that there were six large industrial complexes located in the Western Antarctic region. The two largest complexes were city-sized and about two miles wide.
He provided an illustration for the location of these bases that he was personally taken to visit by the “Anshar” between April 27-30. Goode has previously described the Anshar as the oldest of the Inner Earth civilizations that he has met in secret negotiations – alleged dating as far back as 18 million years.
Antarctic_Under_Ice_Industrial_Cities (2)
Map of Antarctica with circles depicting location of industrial complexes, and their relative sizes
Further, he stated that he saw the secret Antarctic cities while traveling on an Anshar space craft that flew about 60 feet above the surface of the ocean directly into what looked like an Antarctic ice cliff, but which in reality was a hologram hiding the entrance to one of these cities. Goode saw large buildings, and two huge black submarines used to transport people and cargo to Antarctica being unloaded by giant cranes.
These large industrial complexes had first been established in the 1930’s by Nazi Germany, according to Goode, and subsequently expanded in the 1950’s and after agreements had been reached with the Eisenhower administration and the U.S. Military Industrial Complex. Currently, these six Antarctica bases are used by the Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate, one of the secret space programs identified by Goode.
He then described in his May 14 update, a battle that had taken place over Antarctica:
One of the most interesting things that came out of this briefing [by Gonzales now safely located at a secret Kuiper Belt base] was that there had recently been reports of 6 large cruisers (teardrop shaped) were in the process of leaving the atmosphere after breaking the surface of the ocean near the coast of Antarctica. Dozens of “Unknown Chevron Craft” swarmed these cruisers and attacked the leading two craft causing massive and shocking damage. The cruisers broke off their attempts to leave orbit returning to below the surface of the ocean where they came from.
Goode has provided an illustration of the battle that took place. He told me that the teardrop shaped cruisers belonged to the syndicate groups who were aligned with the “Dark Fleet” – a space program first established in Antarctica by Nazi Germany/German Secret Societies – which later allied itself with the U.S. Military Industrial Complex.
Chevron battle final low res
He added that the SSP Alliance were not sure who the chevron shaped spacecraft belonged to, but the speculation was that they were linked to the “Earth Alliance,” a consortium of “White Hats” from various national militaries working closely with the BRICS nations.
According to Goode, the Antarctic battle was not an isolated incident:
There has been a major uptick in conflicts just outside and within our atmosphere between craft of various groups that have involved the shoot down of a number of craft.
Gonzales reported dozens of underground/ocean conflicts that have involved the use of exotic weapons as well as an uptick in the use of weather modification weapons by both the various syndicates and elements of the Earth Alliance.
Events in Antarctica were being monitored closely by different nations and/or space programs. Goode described huge spherical craft over Antarctica that appeared to be conducting surveillance operations:
Reports came in for approximately 6 weeks detailing “huge spherical craft” in geostationary orbit above the continent of Antarctica. These reports came from 5 different sources and described the spheres as being huge, metallic, shiny with one row of portholes going around the sphere. One speculated that these craft were of Russian origin.
Goode then explained that the craft were operating over large areas of the Southern Hemisphere, including Australia.
Spherical craft antarctica final low res
It’s possible that the craft are related to the “Cosmospheres” allegedly developed by the Soviet Union, which are described at length in the Peter Beter audio files. Beter was the General Counsel of the Export-Import Bank (1961-67), and had high level sources who confided to him what was happening behind the scenes in space up to the early 1980’s.
The Cosmospheres established Soviet weapons dominance in near Earth orbit, where they had military skirmishes with craft belonging to the USAF Space Command and NRO, which according to Goode, operate to about 400 miles above the Earth, and occasionally sent their most advanced craft to the Moon.  
It is therefore very likely that the large spherical objects observing the Antarctic space battles were indeed Cosmospheres now under the control of President Putin and the Russian Federation. It is feasible that they provided intelligence used by the chevron shaped spacecraft that intercepted and turned back the larger teardrop shaped craft leaving with their likely global elite passengers.
Click here for Part II.
Special Note: I wish to thank Corey Goode and associated artists for kindly supplying the graphics illustrating his June 15 personal briefing.
[Update: 6/17/16. The article was revised to clarify that the Lunar Operations Center, under control of the ICCP, had denied clearance for SSP Alliance flights to Earth.]
 © Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

Sunday, 5 April 2020

Fleets Fly Across The Surface Of The Moon

The owner of this video says this: This video is not mine. A friend passed it on to me. Filmed towards Montreal in the late afternoon. He tells me: I regularly film the Moon by day, at the time of the first and last crescent. I think that if a hidden activity must be visible on the Moon, it is at this moment when the population does not observe it because it is day and the first or last crescent makes it more discreet in the sky. And after hundreds of videos, March 26 ...

(This is an enhanced and stabilized version of the video by LEDRACK.)